Cotton t shirt is amazing
Nails of course
Slept awesome. As usual, up at four. But did a TON of fire research. I can't believe how many there are. The fam took a trip to issy for farmers mkt and Costco and I stayed back to do errands. I facetimed meg and nancy. I took my sis's car to get nails done and go to safeway. It just opened up here. It was so huge and nice.
Drive up arms w a view
Finally got to see roro!
The rest of the day was hanging out at the house since it's so hot out. Played w the kids and we all walked down to the town center for ice cream. I wanted to catch up on blogs so bad but had no energy! Short entry as I'm typing this out day after.
C pretending to sleep w bunny
Owen is crawling so fast now!