Columbia river!
da bridge walk
Today was the border! I knew I still had about eight miles all down hill so I got up a bit early and hiked in the dark for a little. I ran into another p3 hiker named snap. We ended up hiking together to border and walked the bridge so he could take my WA pic haha. The bridge was absolutely terrifying!! All that grating under your feet and cars driving by. It's super awkward. I think the bridge walk would've been more epic for me last year most def but still a great feeling to get to WA. After we took our pics, we walked back onto the bridge and into Oregon haha. Wasn't as scary the second time so that's good. And now when I walk across for the third time, I'll be alright I think.
So scary looking down
yay WA! Now back to or for the weekend.
necktie aka young Justin Timberlake.
Snap and I walked into town and this lady at a cherry stand gave us a huge bag of cherries w some peaches. So sweet of her. Not rainier but still yummy. We went to this diner for breakfast and it was so good. And I saw necktie!! I hadn't seen him since mammoth lakes last year. We got to catch up so much and we're both experiencing the same things as section hikers. After we left, we walked down to shreks. I really wanted a shower but this place was kinda like another casa de Luna. The laundry was broken and I took a mediocre rinse shower. I figured out my Portland dilemma though. I am going to ride into town w zpacks and stay w eve that night, go to Apple Store next morn and get a ride back to trail after. Gonna be kinda crazy but I think it'll work out. I was texting eve and had found out she sprained her ankle pretty bad. :( But I'm glad to see her tom since I didn't get to at all before she left. I will take a real shower and laundry there. I can't wait. And use wifi.
snap ordered so much food
hikers on their phone
After trying to charge for as long as I could at shreks, I finally left bc that place was just weird and dirty. I honestly don't like being in super close quarters w dirty hikers. It just smells no offense. I did a small rinse of my clothes too but it just smells. I decided to just walk down to Marine park and see what was going on. Almost immediately I ran into ppl and it was so good to see old faces! I ended up hanging out w necktie and Orion for a bit and kept my pack over w his mom. The rest of the day was loitering, walking around and running into ppl. I ate noodles for dinner which was so good. I then found myself hanging out w jz and Jupiter and then our whole table became a bunch of young white dudes. It was really funny. I def felt like the odd one out haha. After the sun went behind the mts, I was just getting pretty socialized out so I went to thunder island and set up camp. Excited to not talk to anyone. It's weird to go from not talking to anyone all day while I'm hiking and wanting to talk at camp to talking all day at an event and not wanting to talk at camp. Total opposites which is why I was pretty done w ppl.
cute twins, JZ and Jupiter
The island is pretty nice. There's ppl around but not super loud. I kinda want a quiet morning to myself tom.