Christmas trees!
I'm so happy I set up camp at a normal time last night. My alarm was set for three and I didn't even snooze. It was super warm overnight. I don't think it ever got to a cool temp. I've been just using my sleeping bag as a quilt so that's been nice. I wish I had a real one though. The hike out was also surprisingly warm. It didn't feel refreshing at all. This heat wave is intense! Hiked in the dark for about two hours, saw a bunch of centipedes. Today was way more exposed and hilly. Very hot.
Power lines and haze from all the heat.
Mt Shasta kept getting closer. It was so pretty to look at while hiking. I was slow today, being distracted from text messages. We have a group text going on with Lisa, rusty and gb so I was trying to figure out when we'll be meeting up. I also called the medical center in Shasta and they have an ER. I think I'm gonna go in as soon as I get into town. It was getting closer to noon and I wished I was at the creek for lunch. I ended up taking a short lunch on the side of the trail. The spot was not very good and pretty hot. I didn't eat a proper lunch but I packed up and headed out. The rest of the climb was exposed and blaaaaazing hot. Sweat was dripping off my face so much. Finally after that, it was mostly covered in trees and downhill.
Shasta, getting closer.
I make it to the next water source and was SO ready for cold water. I chugged a bunch and washed my legs/feet. It felt nice. I filtered some water and continued on. I wanted to make it down to mccloud river but also wanted to make it to the next site. It all depended on how I felt when I got down. Even though it was downhill, my feet and knees were tired. It was also REALLY hot. Like muggy. It was so weird. It got to be after six and it was still super hot. There was also lots of poison oak on trail. I still can't really decipher it but I think I know what it is. But basically any plant I see on the side with three leaves, I think it's poison oak. I ended up pitching w this other group I've been leap frogging. They all went to swim and I settled in. It's nice to camp by water so that I can wipe my legs down before bed. Ate a whatever dinner and Nutella for desert. The best. I think I will probably camp as close to the highway as possible tomorrow and then get into castella as early as possible and then go to Shasta. Have no clue how this is all gonna work out but I'm so close right now!
Saw a schmancy car at mccloud campground.