The wind finally calmed down around midnight last night and we were able to get a good rest. We all woke up excited to go to McDonald's. It was ten miles away. It's funny but we all know about each other's poop schedules by now. We already knew it was gonna be a hot day. The last four miles was super pretty coming down the steep ridge then came into a canyon that led to the highway. We turned right and saw the two golden arches. Rusty had already made it and was drinking a McFlurry.
All of us at McDonald's taken by @kukud83.
The restaurant was taken over by 80% hikers. We all found a booth and put down our packs to make an order. I ordered a sausage mcmuffin, two hash browns and an Oreo McFlurry. It was pretty good. I wasn't super stuffed or anything. Some people go crazy and order like ten Big Macs. Have no clue why they do that because you're just going to feel like crap before you hike. We headed next door to the Chevron to buy snacks for the next 2 days, we were all pretty much out of food and we plan on climbing Mt. Baldy. The gas station was surprisingly clean and well stocked.
After McDonald's, we have about a 30 mile water carry and we heard it's all uphill and hot. I planned on filling all of my water capacity so I took 7L. GB is always extra safe so he took 8, insane I know. All of our packs were SO heavy, probably the heaviest to date. We waited out the heat and headed out again at four. The entire way was all uphill, so intense!! It was a nice burn though, except my ankles and shoulders were hurting pretty bad. The views were sooo beautiful.
First cowboy camp night.
We came to our first dry creek bed and we had decided earlier that we would all cowboy camp for the first time. We were so tired and it was the perfect timing. I also plan on waking up super early to hike out since the heat killed me today. Kristen, Rusty, Lisa, GB, Sita, Heartbreaker and I all found little spots to set up. All of us but Sita have never officially cowboy camped so we were stoked. We're all a little terrified of all the skunk/snake holes but we'll see what happens. I still hate all the bugs. There's a ton of huge flying mosquitos around me right now but I'm gonna get in my bag so they won't buzz in my ear. We just hope a snake won't slither into our bags tonight. I packed out chicken nuggets and ate them for dinner with sweet and sour sauce. It's hot out here, and we are all so happy.