This morning I woke around 3am and started packing up and headed out around 330-45. I was surprised how long it took me to pack since I didn't even have my tent pitched. I slept SO warm last night but didn't want to unzip my bag too much in case bugs came in. It was hard falling asleep because I kept looking up at the stars and moon. We also heard gun shots and cars. Even though I went night hiking, it was still pretty hot. I hiked in the dark for about two hours before I turned my head lamp off and saw the sun rise.
My feet so dirty! Six days no shower.
My goal today was to do ten miles before 10am. I didn't take too many breaks but I was definitely starting to feel it the last few miles. I just really wanted to make it to ten before I took my long break. I got to a road at 9am marked at ten miles! I was done for awhile and planned on waiting for the group there. I did a bunch of organizing and filtering water. My blister on my heel I got last night was hurting. I waited for around three hours and then saw Rusty. I was feeling pretty good so I got up and started hiking, assuming the group was not far behind him. I ended up hiking up to 361, just before the Mt. Baldy trail. I took another good break there since I just hiked through the hot sun. Soon, I finally saw everyone that I hadn't seen all day. They all came over to rest with me.
Selfie update.
We were still planning on doing Mt. Baldy so we figured out all of our waters and headed there. We took everything out of our bags except food and water and left them with Lisa who was staying behind. So it was me, Heartbreaker, GB, Rusty and Kristen who came. As soon as we started walking, the "trail" went straight down then up and down and up. All on steep scree. We all could foresee it being sketch coming down. Kristen ended up turning back early on which was a very wise decision. I think we made it up about a mile till we finally caught up to Rusty who said it started to get snowy and extra sketchy. We finally decided to turn around. I don't think I've sweat that much or had my legs burn that bad since I've been on the trail. So insane. I was soaked in sweat and smelled SO bad. The climb back up the hill was just as bad, but it was a fun extra work out for the day!
The sketchy climb up to Mt. Baldy.
We then hiked to Guffy CG to sleep. I walked by so many views of the city lights from above, so pretty against the sunset colors. We arrived to the campsite in the dark and set up another night for cowboy camping, I think I can get used to this.