We finished walking the lava rocks this morning. They weren't too bad as the trail was more covered in dirt. I've been having skin irritations lately. Basically anything that scratches or rubs against my skin, it gets raised and forms a weird bump shape. Usually it's from brush, my backpack rubbing or me just scratching. Sometimes even in sitting on the ground can irritate it. It itches but not insanely and it goes back to normal within the hour. My skin has become so sensitive. Im gonna google why it's happening. We've been hearing this section has terrible mosquito swarms so I was nervous all day for them. We ended up taking an early lunch that wasn't near the skeeter area.
The spring that was noted to be mosquito hell wasn't that bad. It was mostly flies and bees. The rest of the day was navigating around tons of blowdowns and being stabbed/scratched from fallen limbs poking out. They are very annoying. The blowdowns covered my entire way until camp. I ended up stopping at the site before our goal but gb never showed up. This is the first time he hasn't made it to our meeting spot. I tried waiting a bit but the mosquitos were coming out and I just wanted to set up camp. I'm now by myself in this huge site. I haven't camped alone in a very long time. I'm a little spooked. I hear a weird animal noise outside but it's mainly crickets. I'm wondering if I should wake up normal time tomorrow or pack up later so gb can catch up. Losing each other kinda sucks.