One of the most important people I wanted to meet up with was the grummers. I know them from Seattle and they moved to sisters earlier this spring. They have three girls and have been waiting for me all summer to walk to them. I was so bummed to arrive to their house via car with a broken ankle. I was SO close with only two stops away and just didn't make it. :(
My delicious roasted veggies and egg with sprouts!
Lisa and I drove back to bend after PCT Days and met back up with rusty. It was my first time seeing him since Kennedy meadows! It's been a reaaaaally long time. He told us about jacksons corner and we all had brunch there. It was so yummy, fresh and healthy! I can't eat junk food anymore. After that, I dropped Lisa and Rusty off at Safeway and we parted ways. Sad to say goodbye but was really glad I got to see them before I went home. Then I was en route to sisters.
Said goodbye to Lisa and rusty!
I pulled up to the grummers house and was greeted by Natalie, tallis, Araiya, pia, Matt and Emmy. It was so great to be surrounded by kids! It's been too long. They let me stay in Araiya's bed and we had a delicious salad and steak for dinner. Then we went to downtown sisters for froyo! It was so fun and delicious. They also drove me to the neighborhood where their house is currently being built. Sisters is so beautiful. I can totally see why they all love it here.
Hammock in backyard with good light.
Pia, Tallis and Araiya.
Me and the ladies.
Konnie and I.
The next day, I drove back to bend to drop my rental off at hertz. I met up with a gal named konnie who has been following my blog and is also John spears' cousin! What a small world. She was SO sweet and wonderful to talk to. She picked me up at hertz and we got a yummy lunch. Then Jenny pulled up in Ellie with Clyde!! So happy to see them. It doesn't feel like it was four months since she last dropped me off at the border. Everything flew by so incredibly fast. We hung out for a bit and visited a moto coffee shop. She told me Ellie has been jerking when she goes a certain rpm and her check engine light went on. I checked the code and we put more oil in. It seemed as if the oil had been burning off during the long drive to Oregon. She ran alright back to sisters.
Clyde and Jenny came from Seattle.
We all had another yummy dinner with the grummers. Each night we seem to be growing in numbers. Having a full house is quite fun.
Love these girls.