Onward to stevens!
I had 14 miles into stevens and I needed to make it to skykomish before the po closed so I night hiked out started around 530a. The days are getting shorter. I may have to start getting up later. I don't like walking in the dark anymore. Today's views weren't much better than the others. But the smoke looked kinda cool looking down into the lakes. The climb up towards the ski lifts were exposed and very very hot. Oof. But I ran into a friend from seattle on a day hike! That was cool. Then once I was over the hill I got service. I had to catch up. Longest stretch of no service even on the ridges.
Looked kinda cool
ski lifts
Then it was down down down to the hwy. I immediately went to the road to hitch. I was alone for just a little when a sobo came and hitched w me. We had no luck for about 35 min until a mom in her subbie picked us up as she was dropping off other hikers. She had just dropped off her son at harts pass earlier so she knew who we were. All morning old ppl and others just drove by. I don't think ppl know what we're doing. I hate hitching. I was so happy to picked up. It was still smokey in skykomish. The little place I know and love so well. Kim, our mom who picked us up, drove us straight to the po which ended up being way in the back side of town. I had to pick up two huge boxes. The po guy was so nice! Then I had to walk so painfully w all my boxes and pack all the way back to town. It was so hard.
down into the lodge
I made it to the cascadia inn and cafe. I wanted a room but looks like all the hikers ahead of me booked the rest. I was so bummed. I've been pretty good about booking ahead but not this time. And I didn't know any of the other hikers here. I wonder where they all came from. The trail was so dead this morn. Then I went to the cafe to eat bc I was so hungry. I got a mediocre chicken burger and shake. I hate eating American food like burgers. It's never appetizing to me. Except breakfast. I found out my friend sean from seattle was maybe doing this last section just two days behind me while I was out of service and I was like wtf why woukd any normal person want to hike in this smoke but he had canceled. And then he reassured me that the views weren't that amazing so that made me feel a bit better lol. Then the friendly inn guy, Henry, told me there may be a room cancellation if I waited around in the late afternoon. I loitered for awhile and he said there was a room for me! I was so happy. But it was room a w two twins. Oh well. One will be my storage.
skykomish so smokey
sweet note from nate and meg
Then I got all my things and went up to shower. I got a box from nate and meg and I LOVED opening it. They are so sweet and sent so many good things they knew I'd use. Esp good shampoo and conditioner. I was so happy. This place has a community bathroom so I showered there. It's not nearly as clean as the trout lake inn which I miss dearly but it's better than a dirty trail angel place w a ton of other hikers. I debated on whether or not to go to the laundromat to do laundry. I only had a few things dirty and didn't find it worth it to pay $9 to do a load. So I carefully washed some small things in the sink so I didn't make a huge mess leaving dirt spots everywhere. After that I hibernated in my room facetiming nate/meg, jenny and Sarina/Doris. It was fun. I love getting rooms to myself. I started getting hungry at eight but didn't wanna go out so I just ate Pringles from my box.
Finally I started getting super sleepy around 11. Way past my bedtime and passed out.
can't believe this looks just like me