Last night I couldn't sleep well. I think it was bc I was thinking about too much and making me anxious. Mainly trying to find a job/place to live when I get back. That kept me up for awhile tossing and turning. There were also REALLY loud crickets all night. So loud that when I put my ear plugs in, I could still hear them muffled in the background. It also got pretty cold over night. I keep going to bed super hot and then it's frigid bc I don't wear my fleece to bed and wished I had. I have camped alone way more time than I have camped w others. It gets pretty boring. I like going to bed knowing there's other hikers around me.
I love fruit snacks forever
The mosquitoes were quite horrendous this morn for the first seven miles. Literally swarms around my head net. It was insane. Prob the worst I've been in since Yosemite. I finally took a little break at this nice breezy site by a lake. Then I kept moving till lunch and plopped down as soon as I saw a nice place. It super shaded so I didn't have to move w the sun. I took a nice mini nap. But when the sun came, I moved on to the next site w water access. I think finding a lunch spot w water is prob best and worth the .2 extra miles. A couple of the same ppl passed today. Most were going to elk lake. The father and son section hikers stayed back at a nice spot. I hiked another three miles to a stream.
Found chocolate PB that was kinda gross
I set up my tent but noticed this really sketchy looking dead tree that had chopped marks at the bottom. It looked as if someone had be axing at it. O_o feeling paranoid, I found another spot closer in the woods and moved my tent away from it. I hear so many twigs breaking here. I see deer frolicking around. They are so loud and startle me. I have about a day and a half until sisters. I think I may be running low on food. Yikes! Gonna try to make another 19 mile day tom so I will get to McKenzie pass before evening.
Honestly, Oregon is really boring so far. The bugs, the trees, the heat is really rough. But the grading is very chill so I guess it's good for me to train on. But I miss the views and ridge walks. I am just dying to get to WA. Natalie told me the Mt Jefferson fire just grew overnight so now the trail is closed even further. Also I just realized I have a notice on my phone that says my battery needs to be serviced. No wonder it's been losing power and stuff. Maybe I can get it replaced in bend.