The view where we got water.
We finished the rest of the climb in the morning. We had to get water at a very slow spring so it took awhile and it was chilly. The weather today was unlike what we've been in for a long time. There were lots of fast moving clouds and the wind chill made me cold. I ended up having to pull out my jacket and gloves. The views overlooking the ridge was so pretty. I think I've been getting hiker hunger. Or my eating schedule is just all over the place. Sometimes I skip dinner meals and just eat candy or Nutella bc I'm not hungry since we ate a big lunch at a restaurant. But then I wake up starving and eat all my snacks before lunch and am still hungry. I had to eat a bunch today around 11 before I could keep hiking. We had many random climbs that brought out pace down and finally made it to lunch quite late. Gb found a nice spot but it always gets chilly in shade now. I took a quick break and was off.
Sunrise with amazing clouds.
I've been texting back and forth with the hansons who live in Medford. We've been coordinating details on when we get into Ashland. We have decided to take up their offer on staying with them in Medford. Amye or Lori will come pick us up near the trail head. I can't wait to see them!! It'll be my first familiar faces in almost four months!! I was thinking how I'm also grateful gb is my hiking partner. I just know that he will be respectful wherever I take him haha.
More clouds.
And more.
I reach the last water source before camp and tons of others are staying there. I wait for gb and see what he wants to do. It very windy and cold. It's a steep drop down to the water that is a slow trickle w sandy water. We decide to push for the next two miles sticking w our original plan and getting to camp at eight. I get there first and set up near some other hikers who are already sleeping. Gb then comes and tries finding another place so he doesn't wake the others. I guess I should've thought about that. It's our first night not camping together, how strange. Tomorrow is the border and we will probably be the first ones to reach it. Last night camping in California. What an interesting and great feeling.
Reminds me of home!