As usual, waking up is always hard now. My body is always hurting. I left mike and Jackie this morning and hiked out on my own. I made some pretty good mileage. I hiked just a bit with ADL before he parted ways at the junction to vvr. He likes to call me stealth bc I always seem to pass him but he never sees me. He was super helpful during my river crossings too. I'll miss seeing him these next few days but I hope he gets some rest at vvr. He had fallen in one of the crossings and he just seemed really exhausted.
I did pass a bunch of people in the morning and found out quite a few of others were all bypassing vvr. Sketch was trying to make it to mammoth by tomorrow morning so he was going to push for big miles today. The approach to silver pass today was just LONG. It was 12 miles from where I started. I was moving slow all day. It was just so hot and up hill forever. I leap frogged with heartbreaker all day at the crossings. There was this one where the current was so strong that I couldn't see beneath the water. So scary. We are both so over the fords. Passed a ton of JMTers today. They always smell like campfire. I wonder how many miles they do a day where they would have enough energy at the end of the day to build a fire.
Coming over silver pass.
The climb up to the pass was very snowy and slushy. There was a false summit before you reached the actual higher point. I didn't want to loiter on the top since it was already afternoon so I went straight down. The trail was SO hard follow. And by trail, I mean foot steps in the snow. The snow was so soft. So soft that I couldn't even glissade and so soft that I fell at least six times. I also postholed into several lakes and streams, so much for keeping my feet dry. I didn't take a lunch today so I was pretty hungry and just did snacks today.
My legs look weird and are so dry.
I wanted to only do around 15 these last days before mammoth. I could've pushed for a 17 and make it there sat night but the more I thought about it, I didn't want to arrive late on a Saturday and everything may be booked. I also need to go to the post office so I would need to be there till at least Monday. So I think I will Nero zero and arrive Sunday morning. It feels nice to do a 15, even though today was pretty long. I did get to camp super early to just relax. There are a million mosquitos around. Every time I get in and out of my tent, 4 flies in. I hope my shoes will dry tonight. My legs and body are covered in bites. It's pretty bad. Tomorrow there are no passes but up and downs. I'm looking forward to it. I may even sleep in a little. I think it'll be nice to catch up on some sleep tonight knowing I won't have to push it tomorrow. I will hike like four miles to red meadow on Sunday morning. Can't wait to get into mammoth! I'm thinking about treating myself and getting my own room. I kinda need the rest and solitude. I'm also thinking it's time for an outfit change. How exciting.