Undercover trying to get service to report the fire.
Today ended up being a shorter day than anticipated. This morning was a nice gradual climb at a great temp. We crossed a trailhead parking lot and I used the pit toilet. It wasn't too smelly at all and I took some tp. Finished the climb up to the top and I saw smoke coming from what looked liked a fire pit. A game and undercover were there already trying to call the forest service bc it was actually a forest fire when I got closer. It was smoldering and it was super hot if I got close. The area looked sketch though. It looked as if someone was digging a hole for a corpse and trying to burn the bodies. After several tries, undercover finally gets a hold of them and said it was already reported.
Some views.
We finally leave assuming it's in good hands and hiked on. My lips still burn when I use chap so I'm doing a new method of using only unscented lotion and covering my mouth with a bandana in the sun. I'm starting to think it's eczema bc I have a few patches on my cheeks too. Ugh. It's like growing out into my mouth too. I think all the stuff I've been eating is probably finally taking its toll on my skin. I don't know what to put on it bc at home, I just avoid all gluten/dairy/sugar and my skin clears up. But I haven't had it on my mouth since I was a kid. :( it hurts to eat and stuff.
Weird to see these things out here.
The rest of the afternoon was a steep climb up to the ski area in the hot dry heat. It was pretty bad. I fill up some water and climb up a bit. To my surprise, I see the married folk setting up camp already. They decided to call it early today since they can't get their pkg in Sierra city till Sunday. I wanted to go a few more miles but they convinced me to stay. It was nice to be early though. I'm not in any rush to Sierra besides getting to wa in time but I'm just worried about my eczema right now. It's hard to eat.