Descending glen.
Last night, I slept surprisingly well and warm! It was really quiet and no wind. So peaceful. Even being on a slope, I think I only fell off once. We got started till after seven but it felt good. It was a steep climb up one mile up over glen pass. It wasn't too bad until we came over the other side. It was really steep and lots of snow. There were also multiple glissade chutes (kind of). The first one I didn't want to go down bc it was steep snd I was in shorts so I took the steep rock and scree way down. There was also lots of slush coming down when I hit the snow and I fell several times. Ouch. Hard snow scratching your butt is painful. Then there was another chute but it was the only way down so I tried wrapping my rain jacket on my butt but it still hurt. Glissading is not as fun when you don't have rain pants or a trash bag.
Glissade chute that I didn't go down.
The rest of the way down, we dropped almost 5k ft. It was a long way down and lots of slush. We had only went like three miles by 11am. It was such a slow day today. It's Nate and Meg's anniversary tomorrow so they were trying to make it over the second pass today. I am starting to see that it's sometimes hard to stick with couples bc they always have their own agenda, which is totally cool but then you get kinda stranded on your own. If I'm with another solo person, it's so much easier to make plans bc we're usually pretty flexible. With that being said, I actually really miss hiking with GB. I miss having someone at my pace and making simple goals together each day. Everyone here is so much faster and it just gives me anxiety for some reason. I mean, I absolutely LOVE them but I'm just having flashbacks on how much easier it is to just stick with one other person. Basically I've been hiking the sierras solo so far. I might text GB in my next available service stop and see if he wants to hike with me again even though I left him in the first place. He's ahead by like one day so he'd have to be willing to wait a whole day for me if he really wanted to partner up again. We'll see what happens.
I am starting to confuse all my photos on where they were taken at. I think this was this day?
Passed through Rae lakes.
The super scary wobbly bridge.
I didn't take my lunch until 2pm and wanted to make it to my mileage quota at 805 but just couldn't do it. Neither could a bunch of others. I arrived to the last campsite before the pass to find EVERYONE there. It looks like most people felt exhausted from the steep descent off glen pass. The campsite is pretty big under some trees. The wind is blowing pretty hard above us but we are semi sheltered. There are a ton of mosquitos and gnats though. We are definitely in bear zone and I still can't fit everything into my can. I probably have too much food again this time. I want to wake up early tomorrow. I noticed I just cannot make my mileage if I don't start early enough.