Last night I slept so hard, so hard that I slept in till 5am. Our plan was to wake at 430, so I told GB to head out and I'd meet him at Glenwood Camp for water. I walk a little but before reaching the 400 mile mark and took a pic yay. Can't believe how far we've all gone since Campo. We find the spigot at the camp with a warning sign to not drink it and filter some pee water. I still question if it's safe to drink this yellow water but so far, I am ok.
Poodle dog bush.
I was very determined to make it ten miles before our lunch break and I wanted to book it on the flats. From here, I ran into my first poodle dog bush. You definitely know it when you see it and it smells like weed. It's a plant that causes similar reactions to poison oak and can form into blisters. There's a huge section here that have them all over so we have to careful on where we step. I was trying to go potty when I first saw them. Changing out my Diva Cup today wasn't as bad. I think once I figure out a good routine, the next month's cycle won't be as bad.
I've been missing all my kids these last few days. I keep wondering what they're up to right now and how they've grown. The other day I sent the Shafers a little video message and Stella told me how the girls watched it twice and were glued to the screen haha. Especially Lucy! I miss them so much and our weekly after school hangs and bedtime stories. I can't wait to see all the kids when I'm back. I also miss seeing my niece Caitlyn. She's getting sooo tall and they just all went to Disneyland last week. She's going to be a big sis so soon!!
Poodle dog in the burned section.
Today's elevation was like ten times easier than yesterday. I was just flying today because it was mainly flat and rolling. I felt super good. I reached 410 for my break. My goal was to make it to mile ten without a break and so I did. If I make these mental goals in my head, I tend to stick with it. I waited for GB there but we decided to hike on to maybe the spring bc it was super windy. At the spring, I saw this older couple I met on day one! I thought I never run into them again. It was fun to see them three weeks later. The spring was literally a slow trickle so we hiked on since we had carried water from the first source. Never have I ever been so thankful for the pee water we had carried out from the morning to. We found some flat space by a tree for siesta time.
We had about eight miles to the next water source at the fire station so we booked it down there and saw that couple again. We didn't run into many thru hikers today either. It's like they're all hiding somewhere. It was such a nice spot with clean picnic tables, a cold spigot and trash cans. Hung out for a little and rinsed some things and headed off with 4L for the next 17 mile no water stretch. My goal was to make it to 420 so we went for it but like most days, we are stuck on a ridge with no tent sites. We finally found one before the road at 421 and set up. Then the clouds started rolling in and looked so nice. We had a great view all around us. It seems like the most scenic spots so far have been right off the road. It started sprinkling a bit when we were eating dinner but we were rewarded with the best sunset. What a great way to end a 21 mile day!
Best sunset to end the long day.
The other day we were talking about bad days on the trail and neither of us have yet. We've had some hard days but those are not necessarily bad. I think in every situation, we really have to make the best of it. It's all part of the journey. I've been having so much fun out here and days seem to just fly by even though we walk all day. It's so insane. I still can't really fathom that I am thru hiking but it's definitely real. Tomorrow I will try to not sleep in but we don't want to walk through poodle dog in the dark so wake up time is 430.