Wow, today has officially been the longest and most painful day as of yet. We left camp early around 430am and hiked out in the mist/fog. The whole morning was wet and cold. The climbs also got much steeper. It felt like a Seattle hike. For some reason, the uphills were just killing me. My legs were working so hard, maybe I was extra tired. I only had a 1/4 L of water the whole time, we skipped the first water source since it was dark. We reached the end of the PCT where the closure sign is and we took the Cedar Springs Trail out. We passed a few day hikers and wondered why they chose this trail.
There were a few gates we had to go through and there were a ton of "NO HUNTING" signs with barbed wire fences. The farther we got, the weirder it got. We ended up on a logging road that seemed to be off trail but it took us to the same road. We passed all these weird signs about a "training center." It was so spooky because everything was all deserted and foggy. It seemed like some secret place like the Dharma Initiative. We kept following the road into a logging road so the pavement wouldn't be so hard on our feet. We couldn't see a thing, we were socked in all morning. I felt like we were walking to our death for awhile.
Finally reaching the road after a long power line road.
The clouds finally broke apart and we were finally able to see what was across from us. So much green and mountains as we were approaching highway 74. We were so happy to finally make it to the road. We debated on hitching back to Paradise for some food but ended up pushing through to our campsite. A bunch of others who took the detour went ahead and just hitched from the hwy to Idyllwild. But we thought we had already come so far, we have to just walk there! So we took another road walk all the way to this Market place. Man, my feet were hurting SO bad. It was like all my pains all at once: sciatica, Reynaud's, tendinitis, numbing, etc. My feet felt like they were going to break off of my ankles and my right leg would be amputated. We had high hopes for some good food but it was mostly gas station food. So I bought chips, candy and this bad sandwich. We were so hungry.
The brutal road walk.
We hung out for awhile on the porch but I just couldn't get comfortable. The sun kept coming in and out with wind so it was chilly and all of our feet were hurting. I was thinking about all of our socks and how dirty and smelly they are. They're all brown with dirt and crunchy. Aren't we risking ourselves with contracting some type of foot fungus since we are unable to wash them all the time? We rewear the same two pair of socks everyday after they have been soaked with sweat and dirt. I'll let you know in another couple hundred miles if I have athlete's foot or something. Kristen and Golden Boy showed up and told us they planned on making it to Idyllwild tonight. We just could not do it! We already put in 16 miles and it'd make it 24 miles total! I'm not ready for that yet. We filled our bottles and started the road walk to camp again. I ended up just wearing my crocs out since my feet hurt. We didn't walk too far and found a spot to camp outside of Lake Hemet. It was a long day. Time for early bedtime. Town tomorrow.
Where we came from, all socked in.